Laser Hair Removal

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Laser Hair Removal

Pain-Free 4 in 1 Laser For The Cost Of Two Waxing Sessions!

Our laser incorporates an advanced cooling technology which protects the treatment area by keeping the patient’s skin cool and comfortable throughout the treatment process. The easy 4-in-1 handpiece technology allows laser hair removal technicians to adjust the controls and wavelengths easily and quickly for a tailored laser treatment strategy. This is sure to provide a Pain-Free Laser Hair Removal treatment experience.

For example, a patient with fair skin, needs a different regiment than a patient with a medium or dark skin tone. Melanin (The protein responsible for brown and black pigment in the skin and hair) causes the laser to react differently depending on the complexion of the skin.

This is because every person contains a different degree of melanin in their skin. The more melanin the darker the skin. The 4-in-1 Laser offers a high degree of customization for all skin tones which reduces the risk of over or under treating the designated area.


New You has performed more than 500,000 Laser Hair Removal Treatments, making us the largest and the most trusted provider of Laser

Our newest, most advanced 3-in-1 technology beats all other laser devices on the market.

Safe and successful hair removal options for women, men and even teenagers.

Cost effective. For the same price you pay for a couple waxing sessions you can be hair free and carefree, forever.

Our Hair Removal Treatments are quick, efficient and virtually painless. There are also no side effects and no downtime required.

Ingrown hairs, shaving rash, razor bumps, stubble, irritated pores and razor acne are all eliminated and never an issue again.

We Offer 3-in-1 Diode Laser that is the Future of Hair Removal and Recognized the "Platinum Standard" in the Industry.

New You also offers Try Before You Buy Treatments – To ensure you are completely satisfied with your results!

Book your free consultation

If you have a treatment in mind, or would like to discuss available options book a free consultation today and be on the road to the New You in no time.



The Evolution of Laser Hair Removal Technology

At the heart of today’s powerful lasers is a simple technology that has been around since the 1960s. However, it wasn’t until 1995 (Wave 4) that the first laser for hair removal was approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Unlike earlier models which were unable to target the follicles alone resulting in damage to adjacent skin cells, today’s hair removal lasers are more precise, faster and pain-free. The 4-in-1 Laser is most advanced laser on the market. As a multi-wavelength laser the 4-in-1 epitomizes the new age of technology making laser hair removal accessible, effective and affordable to even the most squeamish patients.

The new technology is so quick and efficient you will hardly even notice that the hair follicle has been destroyed, and before you know it you will be on your way home with smooth, silky and hair-free skin.* The latest technologies that New You provides offer an increased level of comfort previous machines were unable to achieve.

The newest hair removal lasers have been created with individuality and comfort in mind, offering highly-customizable treatment plans and results to suit your particular hair, skin, and lifestyle needs. There is no need to worry about having an area overtreated or undertreated with the 4-in-1 Laser Hair removal tool.





Yes. Laser Hair Removal is an ideal choice to get rid of all types of body hair. The treatment can be performed on large areas such as: the legs, arms, chest, back, and stomach. Laser Hair Removal is also extremely effective on smaller more delicate areas as well, like, the bikini area, upper lip, chin, and nearly anywhere else. The Laser Hair Removal treatments offered by New You are also great for women, men and teenagers too!

Laser Hair Removal is superior to other methods because it offers a pain-free and long-lasting solution to unwanted hair. Shaving and waxing, the most common forms of hair removal are time consuming and ineffective over long periods of time. Waxing is also extremely painful, while shaving can be dangerous if you cut yourself deeply with the razor. Plucking and depilatory creams are also a popular hair removal option, however plucking can be tedious, while depilatory creams can be toxic, and full of harsh chemicals. Electrolysis has also been an option to remove pesky hair, but the treatment areas remain small and the cost to treat large areas can become exorbitant quickly. In comparison, Laser Hair Removal is able to safely and effectively remove unwanted hair in a non-invasive way. Laser hair removal is also very fast, even compared to traditional hair-removal practices like shaving and waxing. Small areas, like the bikini zone, and sensitive areas of the face can be done in one short session, without damaging the skin and the delicate pores.

Lasers have been an important part of the medical community for decades and have been used in complex surgeries, as well as the treatment of painful and unsightly veins on the legs and face. Laser procedures have also been instrumental in the treatment of age spots, discoloration, and wrinkles.

Similar to other lasers, hair removal lasers use a pulsating beam of light that is customized to your skin, complexion and hair type. The laser’s beam of light passes through your skin to target the follicle deep beneath the skin’s surface. The laser’s beam is then absorbed by the melanin in the follicle coagulating and shutting the follicle, eliminating the possibility of future hair growth.

During the procedure the patient is given safety glasses to protect their eyes from the bright light of the laser. A cooling gel, similar to those used in ultrasound procedures is then spread over the treatment area. The laser technician then holds the laser tool on the treatment area where a the pulsed light beam will target the unwanted hair.

The amount of treatments needed varies from patient to patient. Those with thicker, darker hair will need more treatments than someone with very thin, light-colored hair. The size of the treatment areas is also an important factor in determining the amount of procedures needed.

Length and duration of procedures is also impacted by the three-stage growth cycle all hair goes through. Treatment scheduling and results vary because everyone’s hair growth cycle is different. The laser can only effectively treat hair that is in its active growth cycle. At any point in time, you will have some hairs in the correct phase of the growth cycle, while others are not. This means scheduling treatments at appropriate intervals (during a growth cycle) will be necessary to achieve the best possible results. Based on your skin, hair color, and coarseness of hair, multiple treatments may or may not be needed.*

Even though the best Laser Hair Removal results are achieved on darker, coarser hair, thanks to our 4-in-1 Laser Hair Removal tool we are confident we can develop a Laser Hair Removal treatment plan specifically for you.
Come in for a free consultation where we can assess your hair removal needs and goals and develop a tailored plan to get you hair free!

Our non-invasive Laser Hair Removal treatment is safe and quick making the need for recovery time unnecessary. You can return to work and daily life as usual with no effect on your normal day-to-day activities. After the procedure, you may experience a little redness in the treatment area, that is completely normal and should dissipate in a few hours, or a day or two.

In order to get the best results there are a few ways to prepare before your Laser Hair Removal procedure.

2 – 4 weeks before your treatment – Stop plucking, waxing and shaving the hair you want removed. This will ensure that the laser is able to operate at its highest level to target the hair follicles.

1 week before your treatment – Stop using any exfoliants or scrubs, these can be abrasive creating tiny lesions in the skin’s outer surface making treatment more difficult.

The night before/ day of your treatment – Do not apply any creams, perfumes or topical treatments to the areas that will undergo Laser Hair Removal. Avoiding topical creams and perfumes is optimal in preventing skin irritation in the treatment zone.

Newest Diode Technology offers the synergistic benefits of the 3 most effective wavelengths for hair removal, each targeting different structures within the hair follicle. The 3 main anatomical targets include the Bulge, Bulb, and Papilla.

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